Exclaim!'s 25 Worst Album Covers of 2022Brace yourself for Exclaim!'s 25 Worst Album Covers below — and while you're at it, revisit our list of the worst album art from 2021 as well.25. CEO TrayleHH5The most cursed corners of the internet are filled with fanfic art of your favourite characters fucking — but leave it to CEO Trayle to put a blood-splattered depiction of horny Ghostface on his album cover.24. Shima33RIP BIG LIZReleased on September 8, the very same day Queen Elizabeth died, Shima33 danced on her grave with RIP BIG LIZ. We don't like the monarchy either, but if you're going to make jokes, have a little wit — or at least some Photoshop skills.23. Max CreepsNeinDuff McKagan of Guns N' Roses is one of the members behind this mysterious, masked rock band — who, in attempting to disguise their identities, made themselves look like those two old guys from The Muppet Show.22. Dr. JohnThings Happen That WayPresumably intended as a posthumous tribute to the late songwriter, Things Happen That Way clumsily pastes the musician's face onto an iPhone sunset photo with a font randomly selected from a dropdown menu. The "Rx" looks like the abbreviation for medical prescriptions — did the graphic designer realize that Dr. John isn't an actual doctor? 21. Ancestral SinSocial Hate SpeechSometimes social commentary is so scathing, so earth-shaking, it's difficult to look at dead on, should it reveal the inherent fallacy — the cruel emptiness — of modern existence: computer bad. 20. Vettor n' the InsurrectosObstacleYou call that an obstacle? Just go around!19. Steve VaiInviolateHow the fuck Steve plays that guitar is anyone's guess, but taking off the blindfold would probably help. 18. NasKing's Disease IIIWith three gold bars on a red marble backdrop, the artwork of King's Disease III is presumably intended to convey regal elegance. But once you notice it looks like a McDonald's logo, it's hard to unsee. Plus, KD? Kraft Dinner, anyone? Well shit, now I'm just getting hungry.17. PhilosophobiaPhilosophobiaIf you kill a butterfly in the past, you can drastically alter the future. If you trap a bunch of butterflies in a series of picture frame portals alongside a dude with a jaunty feather in his hat and then subsequently release your prisoners into the ruins of a nondescript city, you get Philosophobia, apparently. Wasn't this a scene in The Umbrella Academy?16. Jerry PaperFree TimeJerry Paper is just going to keep cackling maniacally until we acknowledge the pun, so let's just do it. Yup — you're freeing time, we get it.15. Hudson MohawkeCry SugarThis painting by Willehad Eilers is obviously intended to be grotesque and off-putting — and, well, mission accomplished. I would have been fine to go my whole life without ever seeing a thong-clad Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man chowing down on a burger.14. Killing JokeLord of ChaosSome people just shouldn't be given access to the layering function on Photoshop.13. AnkhlejohnIf Walls Could TalkWe're not sure that Ankhlejohn knows how a vagina works, but perhaps even more worryingly, we're not sure he knows how a phone works. Is that vagina speaking into the receiver? Worst phone sex ever.12. DJ KhaledGOD DIDGod has nothing to do with this, leave Him out of it.11. Tiny Moving PartsTiny Moving PartsI'm here to confirm what long-running emo band Tiny Moving Parts probably figured out about five minutes after this photo was taken: the disgusting fretboard cleanup wasn't worth it.10. LATEXFAUNASenbernarCheaply made, poorly Photoshopped album covers are a dime a dozen. That's why it's so special when a terrible concept is executed masterfully. Why in the world LATEXFAUNA thought the world needed to see a jacked canine centaur glumly playing with a yoyo is unclear, but here it is! Also, we're not dog experts, but the album is called Senbernar, and that looks more like the lower half of a Rottweiler.9. Five Times AugustSilent WarThe Dark Side of the Moon. The Velvet Underground & Nico. Some of the greatest album covers ever are iconic in their simplicity. And then there's Five Times August, who tries to cram every conspiracy theory possible into this comically overstuffed anti-vax fever dream. Time to log off.8. Lil ThrombosisI'M SO QUIRKYWith a quirked-up name like Lil Thrombosis, you would hope for something a little more than this Kanye-eight-years-ago-ass concept. At the very least use Jokerman or something. 7. Machine Gun KellyMainstream SelloutYou say tomato, I say weed. While it would certainly be satisfying to witness Machine Gun Kelly getting pelted with rotten tomatoes, these blurry, poorly Photoshopped pink ones are a bad high.6. Black Eyed PeasElevationThis new Sims game looks like shit.5. Depleted UraniumOriginsMore than anything, this feels disrespectful to the raccoon. May our trash panda friend rest in peace. 4. Pussy RiotMatriarchy NowThe messaging is reliable as ever — fuck the patriarchy! destroy phallic symbols! — but aesthetically, this thing feels about half a decade late (destroy the emoji-as-album-art complex immediately) and even further behind in its clumsy pop feminism. 3. Fresh PepperFresh PepperThe "Dancing Baby"-esque artwork of Fresh Pepper is so blatantly difficult to look at, so completely repellent in every way, we almost wonder if the Toronto duo created it specifically to get on Exclaim!'s annual list of the worst album covers of the year. Well, if that's the case, who are we to deny them? Nice job, guys — you made it.2. Chris BrownBreezyIn theory, shaving an album title into the back of someone's head is a perfectly fine idea, but Chris Brown botched the execution by getting way too ambitious with gothic calligraphy (to say nothing of the jumble of scalp tattoos peeking through the lettering). Maybe go with a sans serif next time.1. Van MorrisonWhat's It Gonna Take?Wake up, sheeple! Van Morrison will not comply with your mandates or your aesthetic sensibilities! He's going to continue being a rebel on his own terms, i.e. logging onto Facebook and slapping his name on the first vaguely anti-authority meme he comes across.