The Weeknd's New Video For "Dancing in the Flames" Was Shot Entirely on an iPhone 16 ProIt's the first taste of new album 'Hurry Up Tomorrow'The Weeknd's "Dancing in the Flames" music video, from director Anton Tammi and director of photography Erik Hendrickson, was teased earlier this week (September 9) during Apple's live event, at which the iPhone 16 Pro was unveiled."Shooting [in 4k resolution at 120 frames per second], really helped us to slow down reality," Hendrickson said in a video shared at the Apple event. [via CNET] "[It helped] slow down the elements, slow down the Weeknd's movement. You didn't have to think like, 'Oh, it's just an iPhone.' We just pushed it as far as we normally do, really creating epic shots."The Weeknd debuted "Dancing in the Flames" at his recent stadium concert in Brazil. Hurry Up Tomorrow completes a trilogy that began with the artist's 2020 LP After Hours, and continued with 2022's Dawn FM. The album has yet to receive a release date.