Tomb Mold and Horrendous Plot Summer North American TourThey'll pummel Toronto and Montreal in July50 Best Albums of the year — and Ontological Mysterium."Ever since an all-too-brief weekend stint of live shows in 2018 with the masterminds behind Tomb Mold, we've dreamed of uniting forces for something greater," Horrendous said. "Six years later, the time has finally arrived!"The run kicks off in Tomb Mold's hometown with a Toronto show at Lee's Palace on July 4, followed by another Canadian gig at Montreal's FouFounes Electriques on July 5. Dubbed the Enraptured by Fate's Entangled Thread tour, the remainder of the dates will take place stateside throughout July, wrapping up on July 27 in Brooklyn, NY.Notably, Tomb Mold are also playing Toronto in June as part of Prepare the Ground and will make another Canadian festival appearance at Calgary's Sled Island. Tickets for their tour with Horrendous go on sale tomorrow (April 26) at 10 a.m. local.Tomb Mold and Horrendous 2024 Tour Dates:07/04 Toronto, ON - Lee's Palace07/05 Montreal, QC - FouFounes Electriques07/06 Cambridge, MA - Middle East / Downstairs07/07 Philadelphia, PA - Underground Arts07/09 Columbus, OH - Ace of Cups 07/10 Detroit, MI - Sanctuary07/11 Indianapolis, IN - Black Circle07/12 Chicago, IL - Reggies07/13 St. Paul, MN - Turf Club07/14 Kansas City, MO - The Record Bar07/16 Austin, TX - The Lost Well07/17 Dallas, TX - Club Dada07/18 New Orleans, LA - Siberia07/19 Atlanta, GA - Boggs Social & Supply07/20 Orlando, FL - Will's Pub07/21 Miami, FL - Gramps07/23 Greenville, SC - New Radio Room07/24 Raleigh, NC - Chapel of Bones07/25 Richmond, VA - The Canal Club07/26 Baltimore, MD - Metro Gallery07/27 Brooklyn, NY - Monarch View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tomb Mold (@tombmoldband)