The Regrettes
How Do You Love?
If the first album's thesis was something like "riot grrrl meets doo-wop," album two is closer to "riot grrrl meets X" — that '60s sound that Lydia Night's voice so perfectly suits still appears from time to time on tracks like "Pumpkin," but it doesn't define the album this time.
Night and company have clearly seen more of the world since 2017, and the lyrics show it. These heartfelt and personable lyrics are ultimately what end up tying the release together.
Overall, the songs on record two are smarter, punchier and catchier than the ones the first time around. How Do You Love? is summer pop punk at its finest, music that can no doubt soundtrack the rest of your summer. If there's any knock I could give the album it's only that it didn't come into my life sooner.