The Pretenders Warn Travelling Fans They May Get Moved from Front Row"We appreciate those of you who follow us and buy tickets for multiple nights, so please don't be offended if we request you to move out of the front row"A statement posted to bandleader Chrissie Hynde's Instagram explains that, while they recognize the fans who follow them to multiple tour dates, "When we go on tour, the whole point of it for the band is that we are playing to a different audience every night."The message continued, "We appreciate those of you who follow us and buy tickets for multiple nights, so please don't be offended if we request you to move out of the front row. All we are asking is that you give the local fans a chance. This is what keeps it new for us... especially after being on tour for so many months."This is the first we're hearing of Pretenders having groupies, but good for them! Sometimes a local fan does deserve the front row over a fandom micro-celebrity. Check out the post below. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Chrissie Hynde (@chrissiehyndemusic)