The Lonely Island on Their Most "Humiliating" Song: "It's a Dud"
"'The Best Look in the World' is a disaster"
"The Best Look in the World" is a rockabilly-esque number that apes the style of Hank Williams Jr. and makes fun of men who wear a dress shirt without pants ("Donald Ducking," as it's commonly known). It's a pretty funny idea, but the whole thing is ruined by Andy Samberg singing it extremely fast and way out of his vocal range.
"I guess I should just start out by getting this out the way and saying: I love music. I know a lot about music. That is a genre of music I had no business touching," Samberg admitted on The Lonely Island and Seth Meyers Podcast.
The Lonely Island's Akiva Shaffer noted, "I was surprised how much I liked all the jokes and how much I couldn't stand them — right now, when I just rewatched I mean — because of the bad music. And I really honestly wondered how much better it would sound if we moved it into your range and made it sound good and then did the exact same lyrics, everything the same. It would have been so much better."
He added, "While we we shooting it, we thought it was so funny. That's why this is more humiliating" than "Daiquiri Girl."
Seth Meyers unequivocally offered, "'The Best Look in the World' is a disaster."
The premise of the accompanying video is a bit confusing, since Samberg and LaBeouf appear with cowboy-themed outfits, including vests and cowboy hats, rather than those the song describes. Furthermore, LaBeouf's character goes from skeptic to participant without explanation.
The band members agreed that the song should have been set at a slumber party, with a dad storming in to yell at his kids, rather than with two young guys in a gym locker room.
"If it's a genre of music that we feel much more comfortable in — like, say it was me and Justin [Timberlake] and it was those 'Dick in a Box' dudes, and all of a sudden that's the hook of that song — I wonder if it would have been something people would have enjoyed more, 'cause they would have been able to actually relax," Samberg said.
"Definitely more. A lot more," said Shaffer.
Watch "The Best Look in the World." It certainly is a terrible song, but they're right — there's a nugget of a good idea here, and better music would have gone a long way to making this a Lonely Island classic.