Tenacious D's Kyle Gass Dropped by Agent over Assassination Joke"We have parted ways after what happened in Sydney," Gass's former agent told 'Rolling Stone'Rolling Stone confirmed."We have parted ways over what happened in Sydney," Michael Greene of Greene Talent told the publication in an email, referring to Sunday's (July 14) Tenacious D concert at the ICC Sydney Theatre in Sydney, Australia, when fan-captured video footage shows Black bringing out a cake during the performance to celebrate his bandmate's 64th birthday. It was then — when prompted to make a wish — that Gass not only broke the sacred birthday candle oath of not saying what you wished for out loud (otherwise it won't come true!) but also quipped, "Don't miss Trump next time," with a bullet having grazed the politician's ear during a campaign event in Butler, PA, the day prior.Earlier today, Black announced that he was cancelling the remainder of the band's tour and putting "all future creative plans on hold" after being "blindsided" by Gass's comment. (In all fairness, Tenacious D have at least two songs on their most recent album, 2018's Post-Apocalypto, alone that satirize the KKK and Neo-Nazis.) Gass subsequently issued an apology statement, calling the remark "highly inappropriate, dangerous and a terrible mistake."