SUMAC Hit Vancouver on North American Tour

They'll be joined by Degraved and Zachary James Watkins at the Rickshaw Theatre on March 3

Russian Circles' Brian Cook and Baptists drummer Nick Yacyshyn — making stops in Seattle, Los Angeles, Denver and more, with support from Blood Spore and Patrick Shiroishi on select dates.

"Though of course we cannot predict the certainty of this tour actually happening given the current climate," the trio noted, "we are nonetheless very excited by the prospect of it. We're looking forward to spending time making music with one another for more than a couple hours, and to seeing you all out there. Much love to all involved, and hope to be in your presence shortly."

Tickets for the trek go on sale tomorrow (January 21) here

See the announcement below, as well as the full tour schedule.

SUMAC 2022 Tour Dates:

03/03 Vancouver, BC - Rickshaw Theatre (no Blood Spore) *
03/04 Bellingham, WA - TBA &
03/05 Seattle, WA - Substation *
03/06 Portland, OR - Mississippi Studios &
03/08 Oakland, CA - Starline Social Club &
03/09 Los Angeles, CA - Echoplex #
03/11 Tucson, AZ - Club Congress ^
03/12 Albuquerque, NM - Sister Bar ^
03/13 Denver, CO - Marquis Theater ^
03/14 Salt Lake City, UT - The DLC ^
03/15 Boise, ID - Neurolux ^

* with Degraved, Zachary James Watkins
^ with Patrick Shiroishi
# with Zachary James Watkins, Patrick Shiroishi
& with Zachary James Watkins