Rich Homie Quan Once Again Raps About Raping Women
An unofficially released single called "Day 1" leaked online mid-May, and it features the Atlanta rapper singing the hook: "Chances ain't shit if you don't take one / Mansions full of bitches, about to rape one." The song didn't make much traction at first, but it is now blowing up over social media for its inflammatory, rape-driven lines.
"I Made It" was brought under fire in May for the following bars from Quan: "I don't want your ho, just want that cookie from her / She tried to resist so I took it from her/ How are you gonna tell me no? / You must not know who I am."
Following consternation and outrage found over social media and from critics, the rapper issued a statement through Billboard where he defended himself, saying the song was "never intended to be released."
"The song was not lyrically what I wanted to say and was not completed," he said. "Without my knowledge, there was a studio leak of the recording. I apologize that it's out; and I have asked my lawyer to pursue a cease and desist on the song immediately. To be clear, I would never condone rape."
Last week, the rapper further attempted to redeem himself, telling Fader that the track was "at least a year and a half old," and that he had made a huge mistake by recording those lines.
"That's not the type of person I am, that's not the type of person I want people to see me as," he said. "I apologize to anyone who took it out of context. I was young at the time. People make mistakes. It wasn't just [the wrong context], I said the wrong thing, but the song was never supposed to leave the studio and I apologize. It was wrong."
Rich Homie Quan has not yet commented on "Day 1," but its hook lands even more explicit and direct than what was criticized on "I Made It." It's also unclear when this song was recorded. If you choose to listen to the offending track, it can be heard here.
In related news, Action Bronson's free outdoor show in Toronto as part of NXNE was recently cancelled due to the controversy that erupted over his song "Consensual Rape."