Radiohead Played Israel Despite Massive Controversy
The band defied protests to play their longest set in 11 years
He added towards the end of the show: "A lot was said about this, but in the end we played some music."
Back in April, Artists for Palestine petitioned Radiohead to rethink playing in Israel, comparing the current Israeli-Palestinian situation to that of Apartheid in South Africa.
Since then, Yorke has fired back at critics like Roger Waters and Ken Loach, calling their efforts to impose a cultural boycott an "extraordinary waste of energy," and insisting that "playing in a country isn't the same as endorsing it's government."
"Music, art and academia is about crossing borders not building them, about open minds not closed ones, about shared humanity, dialogue and freedom of expression," Yorke added in a recent note on Twitter.
See some fan-shot footage of the group's final encore song "Karma Police" from last night's show in Tel Aviv below, and peruse the band's epic full setlist over here.