Mustafa Announces Official Debut Album 'Dunya,' Shares Single "SNL"The LP features Rosalía, Aaron Dessner, Clairo and Nicolas JaarRosalía, the National's Aaron Dessner, Clairo and Nicolas Jaar."I'm trying to preserve and celebrate the ordinary life in the hood," Mustafa said in a press release. The new single "SNL" is an acronym for "Street N— Lullaby." Watch a video for the single, produced by Simon Hessman and Rodaidh McDonald, below, and see the 12-song tracklist below that.Recent singles "Gaza Is Calling," "Imaan" and "Name of God" are included on the LP. Dunya is being billed as Mustafa's debut album, although 2021's When Smoke Rises was widely considered to be debut; perhaps he considers that past release, with its eight songs and 23-minute runtime, an EP rather than a full-length. When Smoke Rises was short-listed for the Polaris Music Prize.Dunya:1. Name of God2. What Happened, Mohamed?3. Imaan4. What good is a heart?5. SNL6. I'll Go Anywhere7. Beauty, end8. Old Life9. Gaza is Calling10. Leaving Toronto11. Hope is a Knife12. Nouri