Moby Announces 2.5-Hour Ambient Album
'ambient23' arrives on New Year's Day
Moby has been posting about a project called ambient23 for a few weeks now, and in late November said it would be out in December. Yesterday (December 29), he confirmed that it would actually be out on January 1.
It's an analogue project, and the latest Instagram clip shows him pressing down a single droning key on a synthesizer, turning on a vintage-looking drum machine, and playing abstract piano over top of it. In another post, he wrote that ambient23 is "almost exclusively made with weird old drum machines and old synths."
See the various ambient23 posts below.
In other Moby news for the new year, his documentary Punk Rock Vegan Movie will premiere in January at Salt Lake City, UT's Slamdance Film Festival, with a free online release to follow.