Christopher Nolan's Next Movie Is an Adaptation of Homer's 'Odyssey'Tom Holland, Zendaya, Anne Hathaway and Matt Damon are reportedly attachedOdyssey, Homer's Ancient Greek epic poem.On Monday (December 23), Universal Pictures revealed that the Oppenheimer director would release the forthcoming feature in the summer of 2026."Christopher Nolan's next film The Odyssey is a mythic action epic shot across the world using brand new IMAX film technology," the studio wrote on X. "The film brings Homer's foundational saga to IMAX film screens for the first time and opens in theaters everywhere on July 17, 2026."Homer's Odyssey follows Greek hero Odysseus, king of Ithaca, who is journeying home following the decade-long Trojan War. The epic is one of the oldest works of literature still read widely by present day audiences.In November, multiple outlets reported that the film's cast would include Zendaya, Tom Holland, Anne Hathaway and Matt Damon.The Odyssey will follow Nolan's aforementioned 2023 blockbuster Oppenheimer. The film earned seven awards at the 2024 Oscars, including Best Picture.