Watch Nardwuar Put André 3000 on Canadian Flute Music
They don't make 'em like these two dudes anymore
You know the story by now: André's (still) getting his due recognition for the release of his 2023 jazz flute album New Blue Sun, and Canada's most respected interviewer is back to give the Outkast founder some highly specific gifts and vinyl.
Dropping in at Camp Flog Gnaw in Los Angeles for the video interview last month, Nardwuar gifts André with Canadian flautist Paul Horn's Haida & Paul Horn, which André hails as the work of "an actual flute player." Another West Coast-themed gift comes in the form of signed vinyl from "Vancouver flute legend" Walter Zuber Armstrong. Other gifts include a "white-wig era" figurine of André, some Atlanta hip-hop swag and more.
Elsewhere, the pair discussed Beastie Boys' Mike D putting André in touch with producer Carlos Niño, who contributed to New Blue Sun; plus there's talk of Sun Ra, Tyler, the Creator (and how he knows all the songs from Cartoon Network animated series Class of 3000, which may or may not be returning?), and Oboe Day, which prompted André to ask Nard, "How do you know about Oboe Day?"
Say it with me folks: "You're André 3000 — we have to know!" Watch it all unfold below.